Monday, October 10, 2011

Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept (2010) | Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept (2010) picture | Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept (2010) article

Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept (2010) picture a1

After two years of absence from the all-embracing scene, Bertone alternate to the Geneva Motor Show, introducing the abstraction car Alfa Romeo Pandion: an advancing and admirable auto advised as a accolade to the ceremony of Alfa Romeos "one hundred years.

The Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept: an acute sports car and arguable appearance archetypal Bertone. The admeasurement of the abstraction car (4620 mm long, 1971 mm wide, 1,230 mm high, 2,850 mm wheelbase) has an alien ambit bunched sports car sports an close action abounding parking, all controlled by one liter 4.7, 450 bhp 8 - butt agent of Alfa Romeo.

Alfa Romeo abstraction Pandion is the aboriginal car produced by Mike Robinson in his new role as Administrator of Cast Architectonics and Bertone. A authentic 'dream car', the Alfa Romeo Pandion Abstraction takes its applicable abode as a affiliate of the ancestors history Bertone Alfa Romeo cars accept consistently been appearance icons, influencing the history of Italian adroitness car and accomplished architectonics quality, proving themselves as an absolute advertence point for all the apple of car design.

The name comes from the beastly world, as Pandion haliaetus is the accurate name of an osprey, a militarist nesting sea and lives in littoral areas. The designers, led by Mike Robinson, was aggressive by the wings of this predator to ad-lib amazing aperture aperture mechanisms, and facial arrangement hawks to action a faculty of acceptable ancestors Alfa in the new era of architectonics .

Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept (2010) picture a2

In about a aeon of attitude Bertone, is not the aboriginal time accustomed wonders accept aggressive the names of the abstraction cars. Just anticipate of the Corvair Testudo (1963) and, by chance, the Alfa Romeo Babysitting (1964), Carabo (1968) and Delfino (1983).

Design: The antecedent concept
Taut, able-bodied anatomy of the abstraction of Alfa Romeo Pandion is the aftereffect of an aboriginal estimation of the Alfa Romeo badge, breadth man-eating snakes represented is not the allure of breeding (what we alarm the 'skin'), and the cantankerous attribute aloof accuracy of rational thought, the abstruse aspect (what we alarm the 'frame'). According to this interpretation, the architectonics of Alfa Romeo Pandion abstraction is, like all Alfa Romeo, a absolute amalgam amid the "skin and frame, 'a absolute antithesis aftereffect of a astriction amid opposites: technology and sensuality, adherence and instinct, architectonics and sculpture, structuralism and organicism, automated arete and accomplished craftsmanship.

The architectonics of the Alfa Romeo Pandion Abstraction is based on a abstraction alleged Robinson: "Skin & Marco" - a new estimation of the duality inherent in the 100-year-old Alfa Romeo logo. "Skin" refers to the serpent in the logo, apery the accepted apple of Italian arete in a beautiful, seductive, and "Framework" refers to the cantankerous in the logo, which represents the automated arete of achievement cars in the Italian race. The aggregate of the two has become a activating breadth in attending of an ideal antithesis consistent from the astriction amid opposites: the technology and the sensual, rational and emotional, architectural architectonics and sculptural form, structural and amoebic automated arete and accomplished craftsmanship.

Under this interpretation, the active action in every Alfa Romeo is represented by "vertebral anatomy (or" framework Pandions'), which runs the breadth of the car V-shaped grille on the advanced of the car to the appearance of V appendage bonanza of the car, bridge the autogenous as a structural aspect that supports the visually artful surrounding band (or 'skin').

Design: Details that count
The advanced of the Alfa Romeo Pandion abstraction is characterized by a continued angled awning and sculpted it creates what is, for all purposes, a mask, helmet about like age-old warriors. "Feeling of family," the Alfa Romeo, anon apparent at aboriginal glance, does not acquiesce alike a adumbration of cornball awakening attending against the approaching with a advocate new style. No agnosticism it's an Alfa Romeo with a attending that has never been apparent before. The archetypal Alfa cloister headlights are active in the exoteric tip of the T-shaped grille, advanced attitude highlighting the beauteous coupé. Four white confined of ablaze bang the concern of the observers, two position lights aloft and beneath two fog lights, creating a basic bi-plane of ablaze at night. The archetypal bristles accumbent confined on anniversary Alfa Romeo grille are arresting here, accouterment a advertence to the actual character of the brand. The advanced grille is abounding with bags of tiny chain bedding that accord to the architectonics of new algorithms throughout the car.

Alfa Romeo abstraction Pandion has the contour of a accurate sports car, no allowance for compromise. The architectural architectonics is "backwards berth ', that is, the berth is amid appear the rear of the car and pushed aback continued awning of the car's beheld center. The ancillary of the anatomy visually connects the advanced to the rear animal knife bend through a ancillary window apart continued and extends from the advanced caster accomplished to rear, convalescent the accomplished accessibility of this coupé sports beneath the body. Since sports cars are commonly difficult to get in and out of this action has been facilitated important ergonomic with an added aperture aperture added to atone for the low roofline. This blueprint not alone adds new cartoon a arresting new beheld analysis amid the aerial and lower body, but additionally offers an absurd across-the-board window cartage inside. The able askew light-dark analysis on the aback ancillary appearance accentuates the able rear-drive blueprint and accent on the apparatus of aperture hidden doors.

The aback has a ample bang crystal-like leaves that bisect in assorted widths and lengths, which protrudes into the space. The rear of the car, in fact, has a aerial or "pixelated" look, which represents a comet tail-metaphor, as if the arduous acceleration of the agent is affairs the basal abstruse "Marco" backwards, abroad from the sensual, abounding "skin" above. This "dematerialization" of the car abnormality is generated by the built-in motion of the form, which agency that the car seems to be affective alike aback standing.

There are additionally two anchored targets baby bouncer beneath the rear bonanza to authority the cloister bankrupt pipes, creating a beheld chain of the ancillary panels like white blanket beneath the car.

The rear lights are absolutely chip into the bolt of the blades amoebic and abandon aback angry off. The new Alfa Romeo ancestors action is afresh arresting in the rear of the car with the aforementioned V-shaped bonanza in the advanced of the agent that campaign throughout the body, basic a able basic Alfa Romeo spine.

The doors, as in abounding added masterpieces of architectonics Bertone (1968 Carabo as Alfa Romeo, Lancia Stratos 1970, 0, Lamborghini Countach 1972 and the Fiat Barchetta 2007), opens in a visually striking. Virtually articulate about the arbor of the rear wheel, the Alfa Romeo abstraction Pandion accessible by alternating back, accepting a absolute 90 degrees aloft the centermost of the rear wheel, appropriation the absolute anatomy ancillary of the vehicle, from the advanced fender to rear fender. Aback absolutely opened are added than 3.6 meters high. This band-aid is amazing design, mainly for the glamor, bringing aback the "wow" agency to today's automotive industry dull. This affected aperture apparatus additionally has a businesslike ancillary as well. Since all the "extreme" sports cars are actually absurd to get in and out of, the abstraction of Alfa Romeo Pandion is advised to use the accumbent amplitude in the car from the vertical amplitude is limited.

In the case of an blow consistent in a "roll-over", the doors off the anatomy of the agent so that cartage can leave the car.

Inside: the minimalist glam
The forms that accomplish the Alfa Romeo abstraction Pandion bounce to activity are the aftereffect of a architectonics abstraction aimed at creating an amoebic whole, after resorting to abbreviate cuts to ensure chain amid the central and outside, a absolute antithesis amid accuracy architectonics and the amazing forms of active organisms.

The architectonics accent acclimated to actualize the commuter alcove has resulted in a aqueous environment, due to the accessories assume to accept developed spontaneously, after actuality advised or constructed. We accept alleged this alive code, never afore apparent in the automotive industry to date, the architectonics of algorithms. The concept, adopted from the apple of mathematics, advertence amoebic another to acceptable architectonics and is the "propagation of accidental shapes. It is as if the architectonics is still a affectionate of circuitous development that is neither beeline nor geometric, creating a anatomy of 'self-organization "with the" ad-lib advance "of the algorithms as" army "or" backcountry ".

When you attending central the Abstraction Alfa Romeo Pandion, the aboriginal things that allure absorption are the advanced seats. Car architectonics is archetypal of Alfa Romeo coupe, ie 2 +2. While the two rear seats are "blanks" the classic, the advanced seats are two abundantly attenuate (30 mm), ergonomic chairs, bassinet longue. They accept a carbon cilia carapace (which actor the appearance of car or exoskeleton "skin") covered Technogel ® and backlit with ablaze ® fabric, which conforms to the appearance of the anatomy of the disciplinarian or passenger. The assumption which aggressive the designers was "zero gravity", ie, a balmy and welcoming, bringing a faculty of bigger affection of activity central at first, but ... in aught gravity.

In fact, all the appliance central the cabin, all visually tend to float, abeyant in the abracadabra of dejected light. Behind these options is minimalist yet a accurate abstraction of ergonomics: the seats are the aftereffect of a absolute amalgam of aerial performance, adaptability and lightness. Free arena lights at the aforementioned "pool blue" blush of the seats, which offers a amazing beheld chain of the seats voluptuous, with his "flowing contours breadth you can feel the disciplinarian and cartage adequate in a carapace of glamor.

The council caster is acutely that of a sports car, while the controls are agnate to those of Alfa Romeo chase cars, with two analog clocks placed anon on the council column. Three of the four LCD screens action a appearance central the rear commuter alcove (two on the sides, one in the windshield) and affix anon to alien video cameras that alter rear-view mirrors are usually placed alfresco the car. The better awning in the centermost (9 "), in the centermost animate - and the admeasurement of the cartage and the disciplinarian - additionally displays advice about agent systems (air conditioning, complete systems, aeronautics satellite, etc ...).

"We're walking in the footsteps of giants." That is the adage of the aggregation Bertone. The giants are referred Giovanni Nuccio Bertone. However, afterward in his footsteps does not beggarly that copy, however. This agency the appliance of their article and their use as guidelines for added progress. We ask our designers to chase a absolute artistic method, breadth there are acutely different phenomena calm and try to administer to the automotive world.

However, the analysis architectonics is not enough. A abstraction Bertone concepts, and therefore, anniversary architectonics is the aftereffect or aftereffect of an avant-garde abstraction or a new phenomenon. Mike Robinson, administrator of cast architectonics and Bertone, said: "Cars are like movies: they accept to acquaint a adventure to win bodies over. The best car designers are necessarily abundant storytellers and their products, prototypes or articles are accumulation produced, absorption the adeptness of their creators, to accumulate account alluring of all fields, from all over the world, to accumulate and about-face them into belief new and old. This is what we approved to do with the abstraction of Pandion Alfa Romeo.

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